Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Here I am. In that old place again. Baylor Irving...

My alarm clock never got a chance to wake me up this morning. Instead I awoke to my name being called. It sounded like it was coming from the bathroom. After I shook the sleep out of my ears, I noticed it sounded like Feliz's voice. She was calling me, but I didn't reply because Emily shared the bed with us last night. I just mustered my strength and sleep-walked to the bathroom. Feliz has the most panicked-look on her face I've ever seen as she said with wet eyes "I can't stop bleeding". As she uttered this, my eyes dropped to the floor that was covered in blood and still more was falling and crawling down her legs and rolling down the outside bowl of the toilet. I was freaked out to say the least. I asked how she felt and when/how it started. It had just started and she felt fine besides scared out of her mind. She had already made the executive decision to throw her crimson panties in the trash can. "I don't know what to do," she said as the tears rolled down her porcelain face. I said "Call the paramedics to take you to the hospital." It was a no-brainer for me. She said ok. I called and they were there in 3 minutes, yet after a minute she acted like they were taking forever to get there. In the meantime, I called my mom to come stay with Emily so I could follow to the hospital. They arrived and I helped answer their questions and got her some towels to help control the bleeding as best as we could. Best in this case wasn't very good at all unfortunately.

My mom got to the apartment just as they were driving out. I left soon after to be with her in the ER. She was still very scared and unsure as to why this was happening. She was certain of the fact she was extremely worried and scared. Who could blame her. She's been through SO much and she just always asks the question, "why me?" I wish I knew the answer to that question. I wish I knew how to keep her from losing faith and sleep and sometimes her sanity.

The doctors were little to no help, as we've come to expect. They did labs and also an ultrasound. The Ultrasound found that she had blood in her uterus. After finding this, they gave her Cytotec, a drug that pretty much makes her uterus contract and here's the interesting part, they then discharged her. She was starving so we stopped for lunch at Sonic then went by my Mom's to pick up Emily, but instead just had her drop off the prescription as Feliz and I headed to the apartment. We had been there maybe 5 minutes before Feliz again was making the bathroom look like a crime scene from Dexter. She had done this at my Mom's as well. If I had to guess, she had lost close to a pint of blood by now.

She made it to the bedroom sans our new bedsheets, luckily. Within 5 minutes she was in a world of pain from the cytotec causing bad cramps as she contracted. She told me she needed to go back to the hospital so again we called the paramedics and were on out way. This time I rode along. If the ride is going to cost me $500 or more, I might as well get in on the ride as well, right?

We got the ER again and after an hour of them doing everything they had just done 4 hours previously, they moved her (us) to Labor and Delivery. Her OB came in and said they were promptly going to give her a D&C to suck out all the blood and clots from her uterus in the hopes it would then close up and thus stop bleeding.

I'm praying for her with just about every breath I take and also trying to show her a confident and faithful look on my face.

As they took her back to operate, I decided to go visit Olivia for a while. I got to hold her for a good while. Then went down to eat la quick dinner in the cafeteria, then back to Olivia to give her her bottle at 6:00. She did a great job by the way.

After Feliz's procedure they carted her straight away to dialysis. She's been there ever since and I've been in the ICU waiting room waiting for her. They said the labs showed her white blood count is a bit high, so they are going to try to find where and what the infection is. After she finishes dialysis, they will do a catscan on her to look for it.

I plan to feed Olivia again at 9:00 PM and then see Feliz in ICU for a while, before having David take me home so I can sleep and mayhaps go to work tomorrow. I suppose it all depends on how Feliz is doing by then.

I LOVE all those of you that help me pray and that send so much love our way. God will in turn bless and love you, I just know it. Thanks for the continued support for Feliz and for our family.

I can't wait again to post about how great God is and how wonderful his wonders REALLY TRULY ARE.

God Bless. Goodnight.

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