Monday, September 28, 2009

Fourth 1

Hello to all my readers, all one of you. Two I guess if you count me...

It's Monday and the weekend with my wife and daughter spoiled me so now I miss them worse than usual. I'll be home soon though, but my beautiful wife will shortly thereafter leave for work, sadly. Emily and I will have to comfort each other as we long for Mommy to return. Emily will hopefully let me play a little Xbox and maybe even get through a meal without having to get up once to stop her from getting into something. She's such a handful these days, but not as much as she is a blessing and a great miracle to Feliz and I. We are so thankful for her and for what she's already come out of as a newborn. Emily has some very funny habits...I'll list a few.

She's now decided that whatever Mommy and Daddy are eating must be good for her too, as she starts licking her lips and saying mum-mum-mum-mum-mum-mum and makes her way to us, even from all the way across the room. If we deny her at the least the opportunity to try whatever it is we're eating, well that's when the screaming starts. Unfortunately for Feliz and I, she hasn't hated anything that she's tried yet and so our meals become her meals as well.

Her other habit is that of what she does in her sleep. If we put her to bed (with us) without panties over her diaper, either Feliz or myself will wakeup in the middle of the night to find that she's removed her diaper and peed one of us or the bed near us.

Morning farts, nuff said.

Lost track of time, I gotta go. Bye all!

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